SplitShare Overview

What is SplitShare?

SplitShare allows you to manage and distribute royalties to collaborators by assigning your tracks to Splits with specific percentages for payees.

Managing your Splits

Royalties are calculated for collaborators based on the royalties for each track and the track’s Split assignment. The Split assignment defines the percentage that each collaborator should receive. 

You can create Splits and assign tracks to Splits in both the Splits page and the Track Assignments page 

Splits page

Create a split by:

  1. Go to SplitShare► Splits and click New Split.

  1. Enter a unique name.
  2. Click Add Share to add payees and their percentage 

Assign tracks to that Split by: 

  1. In the Split Hub, click Add Track.

  1. Select tracks and click Add to Split.

This setup ensures that future royalties are distributed based on the assigned percentages in this Split. For full information on Creating or Managing splits, click here

Track Assignments Page

The track assignments page gives you a view of all tracks in your catalog and allows you to assign them to Splits

To assign tracks to an existing Split:

  1. Use the search bar or filters to find tracks.
  2. Select tracks and click Assign to Split.

  1. Choose a split from the Existing Splits tab and confirm your choice

If you need a new split:

  1. Click Assign to Split and choose New Split.

  1. Enter payee percentages and assign a name (optional).
  2. Click Assign to Split to finalize.

For more details about track assignments and managing splits, click here

Timing Matters: If tracks are not assigned to a Split before the royalty period closes, 100% of royalties for those tracks will remain in your account the next time royalties are calculated. Be sure to assign tracks to a Split before the royalty period closes to share royalties with collaborators. Check our payment schedule for details.


Managing your Payees

The Payees page in SplitShare allows you to manage collaborators by inviting them, viewing details, and controlling their split visibility.

To invite payees to create their own SymphonicMS account to receive royalties: 

  1. Navigate to SplitShare ► Payees and filter on unenrolled payees.
  2. Click Invite next to the payee’s row to open the enrollment form.

  1. Enter the payee’s email address and select Invite. An email invitation will be sent to the recipient with setup instructions.

To view Payee details:

  1. Click View to access a Payee’s profile
  2. On this page, you can:
    1. Review their Earnings History 
    2. Manage their Split visibility 
    3. Review their Splits and Tracks 

Enrollment and Assignment Status

  • Enrollment Status: Payees are classified as Pending Invite, Expired Invite, Enrolled, or Unenrolled. Only enrolled payees receive royalties automatically to their own SymphonicMS account. 
  • Assigned/Unassigned: Payees may be credited on tracks not yet assigned to a Split. Unassigned tracks won’t count towards payee earnings; all unassigned track royalties remain in your account.

Timing Matters: Payees must accept their invitation before the royalty period closes to receive transferred earnings. For more, check the payment schedule.


Managing your Expenses

The Recoupments page lets you recover fronted expenses before paying out collaborators, whether they are enrolled in SplitShare or not. You can view and manage active recoupments, track progress, and make updates as needed.

To view active recoupments:

  1. Click SplitShare ► Recoupments
  2. Click View in a row to monitor progress

To create a new recoupment:

  1. Click SplitShare ► Recoupment
  2. Click New Recoupment
  3. Enter a unique name and expenses to recoup


  1. Add releases to recoupment from the hub page
    • All tracks on a release must be assigned to a split to be added to a recoupment

For more details on managing recoupments, check out SplitShare Recoupments here. 

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