Showing Splits to Your Payees

The Royalties Tracks page in SymphonicMS gives payees a detailed view of their assigned tracks. If the Show Splits setting is enabled, payees can also see their specific percentage shares for each track, offering greater transparency in earnings.

By default, the Show Splits setting is set to No, so the percentage will be hidden on the Royalties Tracks page, but you can update it at any time.


How to Show Splits to Payees

Payee Page
You can update the Show Splits setting anytime to control visibility:

  1. Go to SplitShare ► Payees
  2. Click View next to the payee’s name

  1. Toggle Show Splits to Yes to enable

  1. Confirm your selection in the pop-up

Note: This option is only available once payees are invited to receive royalties via SplitShare. 

Inviting Payees
When inviting a payee, set the Show Splits toggle to Yes. Once they create a SymphonicMS account, they can view their split percentages on the Royalties Tracks page.

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