When you're logged in to your account in the SymphonicMS, there are various options that you can select under the Account Badge located on the top right.
Account Information
Account Badge: The account badge at the top will list your account name and your account number. The account number is important when opening a request via our help center so that our team can locate your account quickly.
Payment & Tax Details: To be able to request a payment via the SymphonicMS, your payment and tax information must be filled out fully. Please follow this walkthrough on submitting this information.
Account Members: You can invite your team members to have access to your account to fulfill specific roles, such as uploading releases. We've prepared a short guide on how to add members to your account.
Messages: Our message center will show you any messages that our content team has sent for your releases, including any reasons for why a release may not have been approved. Be sure to check this section regularly to ensure that your content is submitted and live on time for its release date.
Labels: Here, you'll be able to update your label information, label websites, socials, etc. If your account has multiple labels, they will all be listed under this section, where you can edit each individually. *Does not apply to Starter.
Profile Information
My Profile: Profiles are assigned to each end-user who logs into the SymphonicMS. These profiles are associated with account members, and each account member is assigned a role for their level of account access. If you need to edit your name, you can do so on this page. If you need to edit access roles, you'll need to navigate back to Account►Account Members.
Switch Account: If you have access to multiple accounts, you can switch between the accounts by clicking Switch Account. This will take you back to the login page so that you can choose a different account. If you only have one account, this button will not be applied to your profile.
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