Two-Factor Authentication

What is Two-Factor Authentication?

Two-factor authentication (2FA) is a platform/apps/website’s way of asking, “are you really who you say you are?” And to answer that question, the app (in this case, the SymphonicMS) will send a code to you that you’ll enter in order to proceed.

How will it work?

When you access your payment and tax details page in SymphonicMS, we will email you a verification code, which you should receive in less than a minute. You’ll then need to enter that code on the screen to proceed to the payment and tax details page. We’ll also include a link in the email that you can click to verify that it’s really you and continue with your session.

Why do this?

A recent survey found that 1 in 5 internet users had an online account compromised. We don’t want that to be you! Keeping your royalties and account secure is a top priority at Symphonic, so we’re adding this extra layer of security to prevent fraud.

What if I receive a verification code and I am not currently logged in to SymphonicMS?

If you are emailed a verification code from the SymphonicMS and you’re not currently in your account (or were not in your account recently), please change your password immediately by clicking on Forgot password or click the quick link here.

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