Spotify Discovery Mode Analytics

The Spotify Discovery Mode analytics feature provides visibility into the performance of your catalog’s tracks enrolled in Spotify Discovery Mode.

Spotify Discovery Mode is a marketing tool designed to increase radio and autoplay exposure of enrolled tracks to similar listeners in exchange for a 30% fee on royalties from those streams only. Every Spotify Discovery Mode campaign is one month long. For each campaign, only certain tracks are eligible for Spotify Discovery Mode based on Spotify’s eligibility requirements.

If you’ve opted into this program, Symphonic will manage the track selection for you. We apply our proprietary business rules, looking at loads of data to determine what tracks to enroll or remove from the program. Symphonic’s business rules are designed to maximize the impact of the program for your catalog, so we will remove tracks that are not performing well. Of course, we can’t guarantee the performance of any tracks that are selected for Discovery Mode.

All metrics in this feature are a subset of your Spotify streams displayed within our regular Streams analytics page.

To gain insight into how your catalog is performing, navigate to Analytics ► Spotify Discovery Mode.


Catalog View

On this page, you will see a list of all tracks that have ever been enrolled in the program.

There are two statuses:

Enrolled- The track is part of an active Spotify Discovery Mode campaign
Removed- The track was previously part of a Spotify Discovery Mode campaign but has been removed

Hover over the status pills to see the campaign range that the track was enrolled.


Each track has four metrics aimed at evaluating the performance of the program in terms of radio and autoplay stream lift, discovery by new listeners, and creating long-term fans. All metrics are the change in daily average between the last 28 days of enrollment and a baseline of the 28 days before the start of the track’s campaign range*. If the track has been enrolled for less than 28 days, the change metric is based on the current count of enrollment days.

The metrics are:

  • Radio Streams Lift- The daily average change in radio and autoplay streams
  • New Listener Lift- The daily average change in new listeners from radio and autoplay streams
  • Collection Saves Lift- The daily average change in saves and playlist adds
    This metric looks at total saves and playlist adds and not just those that occurred during a radio or autoplay stream
  • Active Streams Lift- The daily average change in streams that occurred because a listener intentionally sought out the track (e.g. from their own playlist or from the album page.)

Each metric shows the change in the number of streams, new listeners, or collection saves. Hover over the trend arrow to see the percentage change for these metrics.



*Baseline Example: If a track’s campaign range is May 2023 - current, the baseline is based on the average of the metrics from 2023-04-03 - 2023-04-30.


Video Walkthrough for Discovery Mode catalog level overview:


Video Walkthrough for Discovery Mode track level overview:

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