Creating SplitShare Recoupments

The SplitShare Recoupments feature in SymphonicMS allows you to recoup expenses from artists or other contributors before their royalties are paid out via SplitShare! 

You can find this under  SplitShare Recoupments. 

To set up a recoupment, you'll complete the following steps:

  1. Create a name for the recoupment and add expenses to be recouped.
  2. Select which releases should have their royalties recouped. 
  3. Edit who should pay back the expense, if needed.

Create a recoupment

The recoupment menu shows all existing recoupments for your account. To add a new recoupment, click the + New Recoupment button in the top left corner.


This will open the Add New Recoupment page.


To create a recoupment, enter the following information: 

  • Recoupment Name - This is the name that identifies the recoupment within SymphonicMS. It can be any name you wish, but we recommend using a name that describes the recoupment.
  • Expenses - You may enter multiple expenses that need to be recouped. For each expense, enter both a name and an amount. The total amount will be shown next to the expenses.
    • Only the account that set up the recoupment can be paid back for expenses. The account name is listed above the expenses to indicate that it will receive all recouped earnings until the recoupment is complete.

To add an expense, use the + New Expense button to open an additional expense row. Use the trash can icon next to an expense to remove an expense. 

Once the recoupment name and all expenses have been entered, click Save Recoupment to continue finalizing the recoupment.


Adding releases for recoupment

Once you have started a recoupment, you will be taken to the recoupment hub page to add releases.

To add a release, select the + Add Release button. This will open a drawer that shows the list of available releases. 


All releases have a SplitShare status. The four statuses are:

  • Complete - Splits for all tracks on the release have been set.
  • Incomplete - At least one track on the release is missing splits.
  • Review Label Splits- At least one track on the release has a split with 100% of royalties directed to the account that created the recoupment.
  • Recouping- The release is already part of a recoupment.

Any release can be added to the recoupment unless the status is Recouping. Use the + icon in the Add Releases column to add a release to a recoupment.

You will be prompted to set the splits for incomplete tracks on the release. Splits must be set to add the release to the recoupment.

Screenshot 2024-02-29 at 11.36.54 AM.png

Once you have made your release selections, close the drawer to return to the recoupment hub page. The selected releases and associated participants will be listed on the Recouping from card.


By default, any non-label shares will be recouped, and the label shares will pay out as normal. You can change this configuration using the Edit Participants button.

The Recouping from card will have a status for the release. The statuses are:

  • Pending - Any participant splits on the release have not yet begun recouping but will recoup in the next royalty period.
  • Recouping - All participant splits on the release are currently being directed to the recoupment balance rather than being paid out to participants.

Edit participants 

After adding releases, you can edit which participants should pay back the expense. To update participants, click Edit Participant. This will open a drawer that lists every participant that has a split:


Select whether or not a participant should pay back the expense.

  • Yes - The participant’s share will pay back the recoupment expenses. For shared expenses, you can select "Yes" for the account that set up the recoupment.
  • No - The participant’s shares will be paid out as normal.


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