Payments Overview

After you have reached your agreed-upon revenue threshold, you can request a payment. Symphonic will then issue you the payment.  We process payments every day through a cut off period when we're ready to upload the next one. 

We receive reports from DSPs at different times of the day, week, and month. Be sure to check our monthly report notices for full details. While we've received the report, it doesn't mean we have the funds that accompany that report. Often, we may have to wait 60 days to receive the payment. 

We report and pay royalties monthly as that is when we receive data. We can only pay when we have the report and the funds. Because we report monthly, you can expect payments along with that schedule, as long as you are over your revenue threshold.

Receiving Payment

To receive your payment, you must request it via the SymphonicMS and ensure your tax and payment details are properly submitted. 

For information regarding your payment details and how to update them, click here.

Payment types / Currencies

We can send payments in ACH, Wire Transfer, Pay Pal, and Check via our third-party provider, Tipalti, ensuring top-notch security and protection of your payment details. We can pay in currencies valid for your territory and have various tax methods and walk-throughs that can assist.

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