Spotify - How to obtain a URI/URL

At some point, you may need to obtain your Spotify URL or URI for your artist or album. Below is how you can get your Spotify URL and URI at Spotify after the project has been released.

Here's how to find your artist URL

  1. Visit your Artist Profile on the Spotify desktop app (not the web version)
  2. Select the three dots "..." next to your artist name
  3. Click "Share"
  4. Select "Copy Artist Link" for the URL

Here's how to find your artist URI at Spotify

  1. Visit your Artist Profile on the Spotify desktop app (not the web version)
  2. Select the three dots "..." next to your artist name
  3. Click "Share"
  4. For Mac users, hold down the option key and select "Copy Spotify URI". For Windows users, hold down the Alt Key


Here's how to find your Album URL 

  1. Search for your album on the Spotify desktop app (not the web version)
  2. Select the three dots "..." next to your album name
  3. Click "Share"
  4. Choose "Copy Album Link"

Here's how to find your Album URI at Spotify

  1. Search for your album on the Spotify desktop app (not the web version)
  2. Select the three dots "..." next to your album name
  3. Click "Share"
  4. For Mac users, hold down the option key and select "Copy Spotify URI". For Windows users, hold down the Alt Key



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