Having an up-to-date Artist Roster within the SymphonicMS is crucial for maintaining your catalog. In this article, we'll review what each field is used for and how it correlates to your music and marketing!
To see your artist roster, navigate to Distribute ► Artists. Here, you will see all the artists you've previously used on releases. The artist roster includes all artists and contributors (e.g., songwriters, producers, etc.) on your account.
There are two ways to create your artists:
1. You can create your artists during release creation.
2. You can create your artists under the artist roster by selecting Add Artist.
If you create your artist within release creation, we recommend you return to the artist roster (Distribute ► Artists) to fill out the artists' information.
When creating an artist, be sure to double-check the spelling and casing of the artist's name. This is what will be delivered to partners.
Upon artist creation, you'll be asked to provide the origin and current location, as well as the artist's biography. To the left, there's a section that shows your artist's image, which is pulled from your artist page on Spotify (if you have one). Additionally, you'll be able to edit your gallery and add press photos.
Just below the artist image will show your Marketing Readiness meter! You'll want to get this meter as close to 100% as possible. This will help us with any marketing and promotional efforts, and the information provided will also be added to the listening pages.
We also include the ability to add the URLs for your artist pages on Spotify, Apple, and YouTube.
The URLs that you enter for Spotify and Apple are delivered to DSPs. Every time you add this artist to a release, Spotify and Apple will map your release to the pages you list here! If you are a brand new artist and you do not have an artist page created yet on DSPs, you can select "I'm not on Spotify," and we will create an artist page for you as soon as you deliver your first release with this artist name.
If you need further assistance on how to obtain the URLs for Spotify and Apple, check out the following links:
Adding artist URLs (Video walkthrough)
How to obtain your artist URL on Spotify
How to obtain your artist URL on Apple
If your release has gone live on DSPs and you notice that it is associated with the incorrect artist page, please review this article and follow the steps to correct your artist mapping.
At the top of each artist, you can click on Edit Artist to update your artist information, complete the marketing readiness meter, and edit artist URLs.
Near the bottom of each artist, you have the ability to:
Delete Artist: You can delete any artist in your roster that has not yet been used on a release. You cannot delete the artist if the artist has been added to a release in any capacity.
Inventory: This will provide a list of releases in which this artist has been used.
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