The International Standard Musical Work Code (ISWC) identifies a musical work as a unique intangible creation. It relates to the result of an intangible creation of one or more people, regardless of copyright status, distributions, or agreements that cover this creation.

Please note: Symphonic does not provide ISWCs, as we don't have access to this information for every songwriter.

ISWC breakdown:

The ISWC for a musical work is usually stored in a database on a computer system. It is divided into three elements:

  • The letter T (the "prefix element")
  • Nine digits (the "work identifier")
  • A numeric check digit

When an ISWC is written or printed, the letters ISWC shall precede it. For ease of reading only, hyphens and dots may be used as separators.

For example:

ISWC T-034.524.680-1

The ISWC cannot appear on the musical work (the intangible creation) itself. It should, however, be printed on all correspondence pertaining to the work to which it has been allocated. The ISWC should always be printed in a type large enough to be easily legible. The ISWC should also be printed along with the copyright notice.

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