Audio Upload Error Codes

If you encountered an error while trying to upload your audio file and are seeking more information or looking for potential solutions, you have arrived at the perfect destination! This guide is designed to help you understand the common issues that can arise during the audio upload process and provide you with detailed steps to troubleshoot and resolve them.


Audio Code 0: Internal Error. Please try again later

We show this message for general system errors or connection issues. In most cases attempting to upload again will resolve this. You may need to come back later if subsequent uploads after initially encountering this error do not work.


Audio Code 1: Duplicate file uploaded to this release

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The file you're uploading has already been added to the release. We avoid duplicates to prevent linking the same audio to multiple tracks.If you exported audio after making changes and got this error, it means the changes weren't significant enough to create a new, distinguishable audio fingerprint from the original file.


Audio Code 2: File's duration less than 3 seconds which doesn't meet minimum requirements

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An audio file's minimum duration must be at least 3 seconds. If you believe your audio file is 3 seconds, zoom in on the tail of the file in your DAW or audio editor and ensure it lasts up to 3 seconds.


Audio Code 3: Invalid file type

Screenshot 2024-08-15 at 10.04.11 AM.png

The file was not uploaded in an acceptable audio format. We only accept stereo audio files in FLAC, WAV, and AIFF formats. For Spatial Audio, Dolby Atmos files must be WAV files.


Audio Code 4: File's extension doesn't match file format

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The file needs to accurately represent what it claims to be. If you are trying to re-encode from a format we don't accept into one that we do, please use an audio re-encoder or DAW to re-encode from one lossless format to another rather than changing the file extension to prevent any errors or corruption.


Audio Code 5: Dolby Atmos file not uploaded at 24-bit @ 48kHz

This generic code is most likely tied to the bit depth being 'floating point'. We don't accept 'floating point' bit depths like '32-bit float'. Re-encode with an 'integer' bit depth like 24-bit or 16-bit.


Audio Code 6: File contains more than 1 stream count. We don't support multiple-stream audio

Audio files should only have 1 stream representing the audio itself. If we detect more than 1 stream, that means there was other data encoded into another stream, like album art or video, which we don't handle. Strip out any extraneous data, export the audio, and re-upload.


Audio Code 7: Incorrect Bits Per Sample. Dolby Atmos file not uploaded at 24-bit @ 48kHz

Spatial Audio requires a Bit Depth of 24-bit and Sample Rate of 48kHz to properly calculate Bits Per Sample (Bit Depth x Sample Rate).

If this failed then the encode does not have either a Bit Depth of 24-bit or a Sample Rate of 48kHz. Please ensure the Bit Depth is 24-bit and the Sample Rate of 48kHz, export the audio, and upload again.


Audio Code 8: Incorrect Sample Rate. Dolby Atmos file not uploaded at 24-bit @ 48kHz.

Spatial Audio via Dolby Atmos requires the Sample Rate to be 48kHz. Re-encode the audio so the Sample Rate is 48kHz and re-upload.


Audio Code 9: Incorrect Bit Depth. Dolby Atmos file not uploaded at 24-bit @ 48kHz.

Spatial Audio via Dolby Atmos requires the Bit Depth to be 24-bit. Re-encode the audio so the Bit Depth is 24-bit and re-upload.


Audio Code 10: Incorrect Audio Channels for Spatial Audio. Dolby Atmos files need to have more than 2 audio channels.

Spatial Audio via Dolby Atmos requires more than 2 channels. Spatial Audio, by definition, is multi-channel beyond a 2 stereo output. Please review your project and re-export it with more than 2 channels following Dolby Atmos guidelines.


Audio Code 11: Incorrect Bit Depth. Stereo file not uploaded at 16-bit or 24-bit.

Stereo Audio requires a bit-depth of either 16-bit or 24-bit. We don't accept 'floating point' bit depths like '32-bit float' or bit depths lower than 16. Re-encode with an 'integer' bit depth like 24-bit or 16-bit.



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