Claim, Verify, & Change Artist/Label Profile & Images

If you're looking for instructions on how to manage your artist profile and assets with each particular retailer, you've come to the right place. Symphonic can only assist with artist image updates for artists who distribute through us. If you're using a different distributor, please reach out to them for assistance. 



To claim your Amazon Artist page, download the Amazon Music for Artists App. You'll be required to sign in using an Amazon retail account. From there, follow the below steps to claim your profile. 

  1. Search and select your artist
  2. Click Claim this artist
  3. Fill out the requested fields. The more information you can provide, the easier it will be for Amazon to verify your relationship with the artist you are claiming.

To update your Amazon artist image, follow these steps:

  1. Select the artist you want to manage
  2. Tap the profile icon in the bottom right-hand corner
  3. Under profiles & tools, you can customize your profile photo and background.

If you're looking to claim your Amazon Music for Artists (for Label access), please submit the form below! 

Check out their FAQs for more information. 


Apple Music

With Apple Music for Artists, you'll be able to claim the profile and also manage your artist's image. If you are a new artist, it is important to note that you can only claim your artist profile once your release is live. If you haven't already claimed your Apple Music Profile, here are the instructions to do so:

Claiming your Apple Music Profile

  1. Go to
  2. Click Sign Up, and then sign in with your Apple ID.
  3. Click Request Artist Access and search for your artist page. Alternatively, you can copy and paste your iTunes Store artist page link to search.
  4. Select one of your releases to verify that you are claiming the correct Artist Profile.
  5. Select your Role.
  6. Fill out the requested application fields as accurately as possible. This will help Apple with the review process.

If you already have access to your Apple Music Profile, you can add/update your artist image following this process:

How to upload an artist image
  1. Sign in to
  2. Select the artist you would like to manage.
  3. Click Manage, then scroll down and click Upload Image from the Artist Image section.
  4. Select your image file.
  5. Resize your image to meet our formatting guidelines, then click Submit.

Your image status will be Submitted for Review until Apple has reviewed it. This may take up to 5 business days.

iTunes may reject the image if it does not meet their guidelines. Please review the guidelines and submit a new image for review. 

Please note that banners are a curated service by Apple and are only available for mainstream artists.

If you run into any difficulties claiming your profile, be sure to check their help desk or reach out to them for assistance. Check out their FAQs for more details! 



Beatport Artist Page

Every artist has the possibility of getting an artist page with Beatport. The requirements are basic but still very important. First, the photograph MUST BE a professional artist photograph 590×404 JPG, and you should also include an artist bio. If these two requirements are met, and you have music being sold on Beatport, then you can visit this website to submit your artist picture. The same procedure has to be done if you wish to change it.  Click here to update yours.

Beatport Label Page

Similarly to the Artist Page, you can also have your label profile updated. In this case, you will need your picture requirement of a tile Image (500×500). If you are interested in updating yours, click here. 



To update your Deezer artist image, you can request direct access to Deezer Backstage. From there, you can update your biography, social media links, and of course, the image.



To update your profile image for Pandora, utilize their Pandora AMP dashboard. 

How to upload an artist image

  1. Log into your account on the AMP website. 
  2.  Under your artist name, click on the Profile tab to the right of Campaigns
  3. Select the Change Image link to upload a new photo. 
  4. Save 



Verify Your Label Account

To verify a label account, you can submit a request to Spotify here. If you don't hear back from them after a few weeks or you're having issues with verification, don't hesitate to hit them up on Twitter with @SpotifyCares and provide them with the information they request for verification.

Verify Artist/Band Account

The verified artist program is becoming a part of Spotify for Artists. All artists who have access to their Spotify for Artists profile will automatically get the verified check on their artist page. Fan Insights is now Spotify for Artists, and they've integrated everything onto one platform. You can also manage your profile through Spotify for Artists. Click here for simple instructions on how to do so.

If your album is incorrectly listed on another artist page or you see an album credited to you that does not belong to you, please go to this article. 


Shazam for Artists has been integrated into Apple Music for Artists. As a result, they will no longer be accepting new Shazam for Artists accounts. If you're an existing user, you can sign up for Apple Music for Artists to see how your music performs across Apple Music and iTunes while maintaining access to your current features.



To claim your TikTok Artist Account, follow this link on your mobile device!

An artist account includes the Music Tab, a new 'Artist' tag that appears under your profile photo, and access to a host of other artist engagement features.

It may take 7-14 days for TikTok to approve your application.



To update your Tidal artist image, please log in to your SymphonicMS account and send a help request under Help (?) ► Submit Help Request with the following:

  • Artist image 1080x 720 pixels (or 1500 x 1500), must be in .jpg, .png or .jpeg format. 
  • Your Artist Name.
  • UPC for a release by the artist distributed by Symphonic to Tidal.
  • Link to current artist page on Tidal.



You can instantly publish DJ Charts and update both Artist and Label pages directly from their Entity account label system.

An Entity Account is a self-administration system that allows artists & labels to control and manage their page biographies, press images, and publish DJ Charts on the site.

To get access, you can request an entity account here.

If you have a direct account, these functions are already available to you. You can perform the following tasks for any artists or labels associated with your catalog:

  • Instantly publish DJ charts to Traxsource
  • Update artist page bios and images
  • Update label page bios and logos



You must have an account with Symphonic and have distributed a video to VEVO with Symphonic for us to change this image.

Please send an email to, attach your artist image & banner image, and list your VEVO channel name and URL.

The artist image must meet these requirements:

  • Be at least 5,000 x 5,000 pixels at 72dpi.
  • High quality (no signs of compression on the image).
  • Centered with some space away from the edges.
  • This should be a photo of just the artist. It cannot have any text or logos on it and also cannot be album artwork.

The banner image must meet these requirements:

  • Must be 2560 x 1440 pixels and must fill the whole image.
  • Keep any text or logos within the "Text and Logo Safe area (1546x423)" specified in the template found here.


YouTube/YouTube Music

To update your YouTube image, please log in to your Symphonic account and send a help request under Help (?) ► Submit Help Request a Ticket with the following:

  • An image meeting these requirements (5120 x 2880).
  • Your Artist Name.
  • A UPC for your artist distributed by Symphonic to YouTube Music.
  • Link to current artist page on YouTube Music.
  • Country.



At this time, AllMusic, Apple, Spotify, Pandora, and many other services pull their biography information from TiVo (formerly Rovi). TiVo has an editorial team that takes information provided to them and creates biographies used by these partners on the associated artist pages. 


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