Track and album pricing

It is important to understand what you can and cannot change when it comes to your release pricing. All of the options you can select are suggestions for pricing, not the final price. The price may change automatically based on the region, the total length of the release, the number of tracks, which DSP is hosting the release, and even the time since its release (older releases can drop in pricing if you pick "front/mid," for example).

Unfortunately, not every partner allows for custom pricing. Each download partner has its own set pricing and ultimately dictates what the pricing should be for your release.

Many DSPs do not allow pricing changes. Further, streaming providers (like Spotify, Pandora, etc.) do not accept any pricing information. If there is a discrepancy, such as a single track showing up for $10, you may create a request with us, and we can reach out to the digital service provider in question for correction.

When creating a release, you can suggest a pricing tier for the partner's platform under Release Details and Songs & Audio.


We will send your specified prices to the partners that accept them, but they have the option of overriding this and setting their own prices.

Partners such as iTunes may set a higher price for singles that are longer than 10 minutes in length.


Pricing tier for tracks and albums

What you set for the pricing tier will let the DSP know what you want the price to be. There are three main tiers and some sub-tiers. We recommend you price your releases around the main tiers. The main tiers are Front, Mid, and Back. You can change the pricing tier for both the track and the album as a whole. The album pricing cannot exceed the total price of the combined tracks. Keep in mind the album pricing is highly affected by the total number and length of the tracks, and your final pricing may vary.


  • Tracks will be around $0.99-$1.29
  • Albums will be around $11.99-$12.99


  • Tracks will be around $0.99
  • Albums will be around $9.99-$10.99


  • Tracks will be around $0.69
  • Albums will be around $7.99-$8.99


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