Explicit, censored, and non-explicit

Many of our digital partners have parental controls available to prevent explicit content from being displayed to children who visit their platforms. It is required that explicit tracks are correctly labeled prior to it being delivered to DSPs. Failure to correctly identify explicit content may result in your album being removed from one or more of our partners' platform after it has been delivered.


Where is the Explicit Status located?

You can find the explicit status under the Tracks section. Click Edit on each track to edit the explicit information.

Scroll down to Explicit Status.




  • If your track is not a clean version or explicit version, then it is considered Non-Explicit; You will need to select Non-Explicit under Explicit Status.



  • If your track contains explicit lyrics, you will need to select Explicit under Explicit Status
  • If your release title or track titles are explicit, that track will need to be marked as Explicit.
  • If your album artwork contains a parental advisory tag, references to drugs and/or violence, and sexual references, the tracks should be marked as Explicit.
  • Terms like Explicit, Explicit Version, Dirty, Dirty Version must not be used in the release title, track titles, or mix version fields. 


  • If you're releasing a Clean version of an Explicit track, you would indicate this by selecting Censored for Explicit Status. The rest of the track metadata should match the Explicit version. 
  • The audio files used must be the clean versions with a unique ISRC code assigned. 
  • The cover art should not contain a parental advisory tag if all the tracks are marked Censored.
  • Terms like Clean, Clean Version, Edited, or Edited Version must not be used in the release title, track titles, or mix version fields. 


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