Pre-save/SmartLink with Hypeddit

We've partnered with Hypeddit to bring artists and creators an all-inclusive self-service Pre-save and Smart link feature! 

Hypeddit helps artists and musicians organically grow their audience and fan base in just a few steps. Using their service, artists and managers will be able to create pre-save links for upcoming releases to promote fan engagement. 



Pre-saves and pre-adds

With streaming now being the most popular way users listen to music, record labels and artists have shifted their promotional efforts to tap into the popularity of services such as Apple Music, Spotify, and TIDAL. Features such as playlists, verified profiles, and now pre-saves and pre-adds dominate the discussion amongst many record labels and artists when it comes to DIY tools.

What is a pre-save?

A pre-save is similar to a pre-order in it that you are promoting a release to a fan base before the actual release date and setting a call to action for individuals to consume or interact with the product prior to its release date. A pre-order works to get purchases for a release before the release date, but the user won’t get the actual release until the release drops. A pre-save is similar but, because of streaming, the user doesn’t get to listen to the album right away; they can save it to their libraries so that when the release date drops, the release is available for consumption. 

A pre-save to Spotify campaign allows your fans to connect on Spotify and automatically add an upcoming album or single to their Spotify library when it is released. Additionally, fans can automatically follow the artist or a playlist and have the album added to a new or existing playlist.

What is a pre-add?

A pre-add is similar to a pre-save, except it’s the term that is used for Apple Music. For your fans on Apple Music, they’ll now be able to hear your whole album the moment it’s released.

This gives you a greater window in which to market your music in advance of its release date and drive specific action on Apple Music while you’re doing it. Just like with pre-saves on Spotify, all of the interest your fans express during the pre-add period will help your new music make a bigger impact on the day of its release, spiking your first-day stream count.

Do I need a Spotify or Apple Music URL?

You do not need a Spotify or Apple URI/URL to create a pre-release smart link on Hypeddit. As long as your release is approved in the SymphonicMS, all you'll need is the UPC or ISRC to enter under the Source field. 


How can I create a pre-save link/pre-release smart link?

With Symphonic, you can set up a pre-save campaign for free in the SymphonicMS under Market ► Client Offerings ► Featured Partners. Once you log in to your Hypeddit account, navigate to Share Music and select Pre-Release Smart Link. Be sure to check out their full walkthrough here on creating pre-save links. 


Will my pre-save link automatically convert to a smart link on release day?

Yes! With Hypeddit, your pre-save link will automatically convert to a smart link on your release date. 

If you have any questions on getting started or how it works, please check out Hypeddit's FAQs section

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