Release Listening Page

Symphonic provides listening pages for your releases to be used when pitching your release to playlist curators, booking venues, etc. It’s important to remember that you don’t get royalties off streams from these pages, so it’s best to use them for pitching and not for general promotion on social media. These listening pages are specific to each release and populated with info from the primary artist/artists’ Artist Page in SymphonicMS.

To view your listening page, click the Listening Page button on the Release Page.

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You’ll see your artist image from Spotify, gallery photos uploaded to the SymphonicMS, artist location and bio, and streaming and social links.

Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 11.12.44 AM.png

If you wish to edit the information on a listening page, navigate to your Artist Roster (Distribute Artists) and edit the information for the primary artist on the release. Screenshot 2023-11-30 at 11.13.12 AM.png

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