Updating Payment & Tax Details

Note: Symphonic is not a legal or tax authority. We do not give legal or tax advice. Symphonic simply reports and provides information as we've been instructed to. Please consult a tax professional or legal authority for advice and direction.


Step by step

1. Log on to SymphonicMS.

On the top-right menu, click on the account name and then select Payment & Tax Details.


2. You will see a navigation window that shows you each step that needs to be filled out.


3. The first section is your address details.

Next, you will choose your desired payment option depending on your territory.


4. You will be transferred to a screen where you can enter your Payment and Tax Details. When you arrive at the tax forms, you will choose a tax form based on your situation. You can also get assistance by filling out a questionnaire right inside the system.

For quick reference:

W-8BEN = International (outside of the US) individuals

W-8BEN-E = International (outside of the US) companies/entities

W-9 = Domestic (US) individuals/companies/entities


(The rest of these instructions mainly apply for International. US clients should select the W9, and your process will be slightly different.)

5. The initial section of the Identification of Beneficial Owner (Part I) asks you for your name, address, and basic information.

For the Identification of Beneficial Owner (Continued) section, International clients (living outside of the United States) are required to fill out the Foreign Tax Identifying Number. This is your passport, Driver's license, National ID, or any identification number used to file taxes in your country of residence. This is NOT a US number. If you have a US Taxpayer Identification Number, then please go back and fill out a W-9 form.


In the next section, it is very, VERY important that you enter the country you reside in. This will ensure that our system does not unnecessarily apply 30% tax withholding if you are in a country with a lower rate already negotiated with the US government.

If your country of residence is not on the list, please leave this blank. This means the United States does not have a treaty in place with your country.

NOTE: Tax withholding is only applied to the USA territory. If your streams on Spotify come from Brazil, there is no withholding on that, only if you are in a country where there is a withholding percentage for USA-sourced income. 


Following the Review screen, you will be asked to certify the information provided.



6. You be asked to provide a basic explanation for any non-US address. You can state: "I am a client of Symphonic Distribution, residing outside of the United States, and Symphonic distributes my music."

You can also supply either a Passport, Driver's License, or National ID, which will be stored securely to validate payment(s).


After you complete the payment and tax details screens, Symphonic will review your information. Please log back into your payment and tax details page to check the status of your account.


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