Hours of Operation

Hours of operation

Monday through Friday
9 AM to 6 PM Eastern Time
Excludes major USA bank holidays.

If you are submitting a request outside of these hours, we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Response times

We aim to respond to each request within 24-48 hours (this excludes weekends and office closures). At times, there may be delays due to peak operation hours and holidays; however, we will work hard to respond to you promptly, and we ask for your patience and understanding after a request has been submitted. 

Social media

While we may receive questions via Social Media, we always ask for a request to be created via the Help Desk.  


Symphonic Distribution and its affiliated brands are closed during major USA banking holidays and every year during a winter holiday freeze and closure. Note: We update our winter cut-off and closure plans during Fall.

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