Can I use ISRC and UPC codes I already have?


ISRC codes are unique per track, and you can (and should) use the same ISRC codes for re-releases or re-submissions of a track to keep your play count the same on streaming service providers. If the new track you are submitting is a new version, like a remix, or instrumental version of a track, it should use a new ISRC.

If you use a new ISRC it will reset the plays to 0.

UPC codes are unique to a specific version of a release. If you've previously distributed a release with another distributor but are now transferring it, we encourage you to re-use the UPC code with Symphonic as long as it is the exact same version of that release. Check out our step-by-step upload guide on how to do this. If the release you are submitting contains bonus tracks like a Deluxe Edition for example, or fewer tracks like on a Sampler, the release should use a new UPC.

We automatically generate UPC and ISRC codes for each release and track uploaded to our system if you don't already have them, so you don't have to worry about getting your own.

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