
What is a pre-order?

A pre-order is an option that allows you to make your release available for sale before the official release date. Customers can see the release name, artwork, and tracks before the release. Using this feature, your fans can lock in their purchase of your release before it even comes out.


Setting a pre-order date

You can set a pre-order date under the Release Availability/Timeline section while creating your release within the SymphonicMS.

The pre-order date will be added to any partner that accepts pre-order dates.


Partners that accept pre-orders are:

  • iTunes
  • Amazon
  • Traxsource
  • JunoDownload
  • Beatport (maximum pre-order window of 28 days)

When you select a pre-order date for a release in the SymphonicMS, the pre-order is available for all partners listed above. Ensure that your pre-order date is at least 2 weeks later than the date you submit the release to avoid any issues with the pre-order.

We recommend using this option in conjunction with promotion efforts to make the biggest splash possible for your release.

Additionally, Instant Gratification can also be used to allow consumers to purchase select tracks in a pre-order before a release.

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