Who does Symphonic distribute to?
We distribute to hundreds of different outlets and digital service providers. To check out our list of current DSPs and partners, click here. We are always adding new distribution partners to our network.
How much does Partner cost?
Our Partner plans do not have sign-up or release fees. They are by application only and include personalized support and marketing to DSPs.
How much money will Symphonic keep?
Our standard Partner plan is an 85/15 percentage split of the royalties from distributing your music to DSPs. Our Partner plans offer unlimited artists, splits, and marketing to DSPs.
How many artists and releases can I have on one account?
Our Partner plans allow you to have unlimited artists and releases on your account. You can credit these artists however you'd like (primary, featuring, remixers).
How is this different from 'Starter'?
Our Partner plan is by application only and includes personalized support and marketing to DSPs. We charge a percentage for that level of support, and you can have unlimited artists. Partner plans are typically catered toward more established labels and artists. Our Starter plan is a DIY (do it yourself) plan that allows you to start your journey in the music industry and Symphonic. It is fee-based ($19.99 per year for a primary artist and unlimited releases).
Will I be locked into a long-term, exclusive deal?
Our Partner plan is an exclusive deal for a three-year term. You still own your music and keep your rights; we're only the platform that helps you get your music out there and gives you advanced technology to elevate your career.
What other services does Symphonic offer?
Symphonic provides various services, including Video Distribution, YouTube and SoundCloud Monetization, Publishing Administration, and Sync Licensing. Signing up is only the beginning!
When will I get paid?
Symphonic issues payments monthly. You may review our payment schedule here. To collect payments, you must provide up-to-date payment and tax information. Your balance will remain active on your account until payments are claimed.
Will you do marketing if I sign up under this plan?
Yes! Our Partner plans allow you to submit marketing drivers for playlist pitching on DSPs. More information on how this works, here. We also have marketing services available for fees that you can apply for.
How many labels can I have under my account?
Symphonic Partner accounts can have unlimited sub-labels under an account. All sub-label requests are subject to approvals.
Is there any type of content that cannot be submitted under a Partner account?
We accept all genres under our Partner plans, however, please be mindful that not all partners may accept the genre of your content.
What is Identity Verification?
Symphonic requires that you verify your identity by presenting a valid form of ID after you register and before you create your first release. If you do not pass, we will evaluate and may terminate your account. Our verification is done by our technology provider, IDenfy.
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