For the following services: Soundcloud Monetization, YouTube Monetization, Physical Distribution, Sample Packs, Sync Licensing, Music Video Distribution: We report royalties for other services at the same time as our monthly statement postings. We only report once we have received payment for the said service and of course, data. If you are opted in to any of the services mentioned, you can find them via the "Royalties" section of the SymphonicMS and can see various views and summaries by clicking the "Content Type" and more.
For the following services: Publishing Administration, Neighboring Rights: Royalties may be paid at different times and, in different ways. Instructions on that delivered separately upon sign up of these offerings.
Important Note: Some of these products don't require you to create anything through the SymphonicMS and thus, you may see sales of your videos on YouTube or tracks on Soundcloud via "Unmatched Sales". Essentially, a sample pack is created very manually and a physical release for our now no longer in use service was never done through the SymphonicMS but rather, an external third party method, thus why there is no UPC or ISRC or potentially anything to match it towards aside of your label name and thus why it would land under "Unmatched Sales"
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Where do you show the payment? And how do I find it on this website? I want to run my record again for 2018. I have an account with you till 2019. Do I have to type all my stuff back in??
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