Requirements for Physical Distribution


You're already making a physical product for your website and venue sales. Bonus points awarded if you're getting creative with colored vinyl and deluxe packaging.


You have a healthy direct-to-consumer business, either through your website. Perhaps you are consigning your physical product at local record stores, or even selling direct to independent retailers outside your home market

Release Schedule

You have a steady stream of releases. If you are a label, you are actively engaged in A&R. If you are an artist, you keep your fans happy with new content on a regular basis.


You actively market your music, especially in "traditional" ways like publicity campaigns and radio promotions. If you want your music in retailers nationwide, it needs to have national sales drivers.


We love all genres of music at Symphonic, as long as you're passionate about it. But it is important to note that some genres tend to do better at physical retail. These include heavy metal, punk, indie rock, singer/songwriter, jazz, country, and classical.

It's Time

You want to grow your business. You're organized and ready to step up your game.

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