Audiomack FAQs

How can I claim my Audiomack profile?

To request access to a profile, please contact us and include the URL for the artist’s public profile and an email address for the account. Ensure that the email address is not associated with another account on the Audiomack service.

What are the benefits of claiming my Audiomack profile for artists? 

Can one person manage or gain access to multiple artist profiles? 

Yes. If a label representative or artist manager has the login credentials for the accounts they wish to monitor—which would require claiming each account with a unique email—they can use Audiomack's "switch accounts" feature to log in and toggle between profiles. This option is available on desktop and through their Creator App.

Can I request the merge of multiple or duplicate artist profiles on Audiomack? 

Yes, please contact us and provide the URLs for both public profiles. Indicate which profile you want to keep and which one you want to remove. Public-facing plays and engagement stats can be transferred, but comments are not.

Who do I contact if my release is unavailable/not found on Audiomack?

Please contact us and provide the UPC(s) for the missing product and, if available, the artist’s profile URL.

How can I authenticate my artist profile on Audiomack?

Please contact us and provide the URL for the account you want reviewed for authentication. To qualify, an artist's profile must:

  • Have a profile photo.
  • Link to at least one (1) social media account with a matching display name.
  • Have two (2) original uploads (non-remixes, covers, freestyles, etc.).

How can I verify my artist profile on Audiomack? 

Please contact us and provide the URL for the account you want to be reviewed for verification. To qualify, an artist must achieve:

  • Authentication
  • 500,000-lifetime plays, minimum

What is the difference between authentication and verification? 

Authentication (grey badge) allows Audiomack to verify a profile holder’s identity and helps to distinguish the profile as official.

Verification (orange badge) is based on overall performance and editorial discretion.


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