Payee earnings history and simulated backpay

You can view and download a consolidated history of a contributor’s royalty earnings via the SplitShare Payee Earnings History page. This can be found under the SplitShare menu.

  • Navigate to SplitShare ►Payees
  • Search for a Payee and select View.
  • Click View Earning History on the payee page


Earnings History

Once you are on the Earnings History page, you will see a table with five columns:

  • Royalty Period. The royalty period for the contributor’s earnings.
  • SplitShare Status. Whether or not the contributor was enrolled in SplitShare for that royalty period.
  • Artist Earnings. The contributor’s earnings for the royalty period, based on the track earnings multiplied by the relevant splits.
    • This column is based on the splits that were set for the contributor during that royalty period. If the splits change after the royalty period, it will not change this column.
  • Recouped Earnings. Any earnings that were recouped from the artist during the royalty period. This column will not appear if there are no recoupments.
    • A contributor will have recouped earnings if they are part of a recoupment.
    • This column will show recouped earnings for both contributors that are enrolled and not enrolled in SplitShare.
  • Transferred via SplitShare. The earnings that were transferred to a contributor’s Symphonic account via SplitShare.
    • If a contributor is enrolled in SplitShare for the royalty period, then the Transferred via SplitShare column will be the artist earnings minus any recouped earnings.

    • If a contributor is not enrolled in SplitShare for the royalty period, then the Transferred via SplitShare will be zero.


To view a payee’s earnings history for different royalty periods, use the date range filters at the top of the table.

You have the option to download a CSV file of a contributor’s earnings via the Download button. When you select the Download button, you will see two options:


  • Earnings by royalty period. This will be a summary of the payee’s earnings history by royalty period. It will be the same data shown in the table on the Earnings History page.
  • Earnings by track. This will be a detailed view of a payee’s earnings history, broken out by DSP and track. It uses the splits that were set during the relevant royalty period.
    • If a track does not have a split for the contributor, it will not appear in this download.

Simulated Backpay

The payee’s Earning History page only reflects earnings for tracks where the payee had a split when royalties were calculated. If you need to calculate a contributor’s pay for previous periods based on current splits, the Simulated Backpay simplifies that process.

To use this feature, click the Simulate Backpay button on the Earnings History page.


This will open the Simulated Backpay page for the contributor. On this page, you will see three columns:

  • Royalty Period. The royalty period for the contributor’s earnings.
  • Transferred via SplitShare. The earnings that were transferred to a contributor’s Symphonic account via SplitShare.
  • Simulated Backpay. A contributor’s earnings based on track royalties multiplied by the artist’s current splits.
    • If splits are changed, these values will update.
    • Please note that incomplete tracks (i.e. tracks without splits set) are not factored into the simulated backpay. We recommend reviewing any incomplete tracks that credit the contributor to see if there are needed updates before using the simulated backpay feature.


To view a payee’s earnings history for different royalty periods, use the date range filters at the top of the table.

You have the option to download a CSV file of a contributor’s simulated backpay via the Download button. Similar to the earnings history page, you will see two options when you click download:


  • Earnings by royalty period. This will be a summary of the payee’s simulated backpay and earnings transferred via SplitShare by royalty period. It is the same data displayed on the Simulated Backpay page.
  • Simulated backpay by track. This will be a detailed view of a payee’s earnings history, broken out by DSP and track. It uses the current splits.
    • If a track does not have a split for the contributor, it will not appear in this download.
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